Get revved up for the British Invasion! Alliance Boots has partnered with Walgreens Company to bring the Boots brand to the US! Its an exciting venture that brings 8 beauty brands to your favorite pharmacy. That’s right many of your local NYC Walgreens and Duane Reade Look Boutiques will carry Britain’s leading health and beauty products.

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Boots prides itself on offering products with the same or similar ingrediants to your more expensive department store brands at affordable prices. The line includes many options for premium skin care for all types of skin, color cosmetics  and even something for the man in your life. Several of Boots products boast the Good Housekeeping awards now thats something to call home about.








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Kenecia Lashae. Texas native. Texas Southern University Alumna. International beauty expert. World Traveler. Certified yoga instructor. Spiritual gangsta. Pretty pisces.

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