• Beauty

    Beautiful Skin is in : Herbal Transdermal

    Hi Pretties, I love getting my hands on new products and sharing them with you. Many of you have expressed the need for natural skin care products to live a more holistic life. I want to introduce you to Herbal Transdermal products which are made with 90 ocean elements and certified organic ingredients. I was able to get my hands on a few products and the good news is so can you! Visit www.HerbalTransdermal.com and enter code:passport2pretty at checkout for a 5% discount. (Hey every little helps). Let me tell you what I loved!   I must admit that I usually use makeup up remover wipes to take off my…

  • Beauty,  Culture

    Rain: More than just Bubbles and Balms

    While galavanting around Rockefeller Center  I stumbled upon several people sprinkled in a shop holding colorful objects. Through the window I eyed displays with several vibrant colored bars aligned and organized by design. I looked up to see the word RAIN above the entrance to the shop. As I entered RAIN I was greeted by a pleasant voice. Im always looking for new beauty products, especially bath products so I was naturally inquisitive. I was in luck ,the owner, Hendrien was present and shared what RAIN is all about. RAIN originated in South Africa and opened up this wonderful location in NYC’s Rockefeller Center. RAIN makes handmade bath & body products using natural ingredients…

  • Culture

    Brukwine Dance Workout

    What are your plans tonight? Not big on the whole club scene, but love to dance? I can say that my club days are dwindling down but I truly miss hitting the dance floor. Dancing is totally fun and a great way to get some quality exercise in! Have you ever looked at a dancer’s body? Really check out their physique, in general their bodies are toned, slender  and incredibly fit. When a friend invited me to a dance class I gave her that look, but her excitement for Brukwine let me know that this was no ordinary class. She immediately pulled up their instagram page (@bruckwineaddiction)where I watched 15…